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Empowering Minds, Healing Hearts:
Cultivating Resilience through Mindfulness.

Beach Cities

We are a non-profit supporting schools and the community through impactful mindfulness based social, emotional learning programs, and behavioral modification programs.

Beach Cities Mindfulness

"Empowering Minds,
Nurturing Communities"

Welcome to Beach Cities Mindfulness, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting schools and communities through impactful mindfulness-based social and emotional learning programs, as well as behavioral modification programs. Our mission is to promote the mental and emotional well-being of students, school staff, families, and communities, with a focus on integrating mindfulness practices as a means to foster healing and cultivate hope.

Our Values

Our values form the foundation of our organization's approach to supporting schools and communities.


Presence is a key component of mindfulness and being present allows us to be in the “here and now.” Being present leads us to a journey of learning who we are and recognizing our presences within ourselves. We believe when we value our presence, it opens our minds and hearts to experience sharing collectively.


We believe compassion is an integral part of our values. Being compassionate within ourselves and society allows us to empathize and heal from trauma, pain or grief in our daily lives.


We are collaborative, flexible, and open to change. Embracing change and envisioning positive possibilities and opportunities thru collaboration. It is through our alliance we can adjust to meet our goals and values together.

Healing & Self-Empowerment is Possible

Our Mission

Beach Cities Mindfulness is a non-profit supporting schools and the community through impactful mindfulness based social, emotional learning programs, and behavioral modification programs. Our approach supports the mental and emotional well-being of students, school staff, families, and communities with a premise of integrating a mindfulness approach that can lead to a place of healing and hope.

Beach Cities Mindfulness

Our Story

Beach Cities Mindfulness was established to help educate communities and schools on mindfulness based social, emotional learning and behavioral modification programs.

Programs are designed to meet the needs of the community and schools to help decrease anxiety and stress from our everyday lives. During the onset of the pandemic a group of therapists recognized the importance of intertwining mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy in practice. Dealing with the uncertainty during the pandemic utilizing mindfulness and CBT were found to help clients move forward during and after the pandemic.

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Received Donations From Our Loving People

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Received Donations From Our Loving People

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Received Donations From Our Loving People

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Received Donations From Our Loving People

Coming Soon

Beach Cities Mindfulness

Our programs

Mindfulness-Based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs:

These programs are designed for schools and aim to cultivate emotional intelligence, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills among students. Through mindfulness practices, students learn to manage stress, regulate their emotions, and build healthy relationships, enhancing their overall well-being and academic success.

Behavioral Modification

These programs are designed to support individuals who may be struggling with challenging behaviors, such as anger management, impulse control, or addiction. Our mindfulness-based interventions help individuals develop self-awareness, emotional regulation, and healthier coping mechanisms, leading to positive behavioral changes.

Therapy for Victims of Crime

We provide mental health services to help to break the cycle of violence, at the same time decreasing symptoms that are a direct result of crime, abuse, trauma. Our therapists provide a safe and secure environment that many have never had the opportunity to experience. Additionally our staff offers: psychoeducation and safety-plans, and client-centered trauma-focused therapy interventions. Our goal is to help self-empower victims to heal from the painful wounds of trauma and abuse. Therapy can help transform their maladaptive stories in order to free them for the vicious cycle of embracing shame and blame that they often bring onto themselves. With help from our caring clinicians, they can help to transform victims into victors, with a new story and outlook for their future!

Principal Lisa ABC Elementary School

"Beach Cities Mindfulness has been a game-changer for our school. Their mindfulness-based social and emotional learning programs have made a significant impact on our students' well-being, helping them develop self-awareness, emotional regulation, and healthy coping skills. The transformation we have witnessed in our students' behavior, relationships, and academic performance has been remarkable. We are grateful for the support and expertise of Beach Cities Mindfulness in fostering a positive and inclusive school culture."

Sarah Program Participant

"I cannot express enough how much Beach Cities Mindfulness has helped me personally. Their behavioral modification program has given me the tools and techniques to manage my anger and impulsive behavior in a healthier way. Through their mindfulness-based interventions, I have learned to pause, breathe, and respond mindfully in challenging situations, leading to positive changes in my behavior and relationships. I am forever grateful for the guidance and support of Beach Cities Mindfulness in my journey towards emotional well-being."

Johnny Thomas Parent Participants

"Beach Cities Mindfulness has been a lifeline for our family. Their mindfulness-based parenting program has equipped us with practical mindfulness tools that have transformed our parenting approach. We have learned to be more present, compassionate, and patient with our children, resulting in improved communication, deeper connections, and a more harmonious home environment. We are so grateful for the support and guidance of Beach Cities Mindfulness in helping us become more mindful parents."

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